About Me

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Iam an amateur photographer from pune, India. Trying to share some of my photographs with the world and some photo tips from me or those that i stumble across in internet. Njoy and do leave a comment if you like my blog.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Flowers have an expression of countenance as much as men or animals. Some seem to smile; some have a sad expression; some are pensive and diffident; others again are plain, honest and upright, like the broad-faced sunflower and the hollyhock. ~Henry Ward Beecher, Star Papers: A Discourse of Flowers

Flowers are always very compelling subject for any photographer. Sharing some of my flower pics.




Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pune Wine Festival - Dec 2010

Sharing some shots from Pune Wine tasting festival 2010 which took place at Koregaon park , Pune, India.

I got an opportunity to cover this event.


Some close up shots of Moon.

Location:- Pune , Dec 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010


Location - Kerala, India : Nov 2010

Location - Kerala, India : Nov 2010

Location - Kerala, India : Nov 2010

Location - PUNE, India : DEC 2010

Ciyachuu - Location :- Pune , Dec2010

Location - Rajgad, Pune : August 2010